

Ideas from Debrecen for the cooperation between machines and human beings
11. Oct. 2024
Founded in 1885, Chuo University, with its six campuses and eight faculties located in Tokyo, is currently one of the largest and most prestigious private institutions of higher education in Japan, ...
Engineering students learn about the future of physics
20. Sep. 2024
61 teachers and students from the Faculty of Technology of the University of Debrecen travelled to CERN, located on the border of Switzerland and France, near Geneva. Due to the European Organization ...
Experts from ten countries on the topic of migration
27. Aug. 2024
The event included a roundtable discussion on the role and significance of emigration museums, a book launch, a discussion on international academic collaborations and even a reception sponsored by ...
Canadian-Hungarian Cooperation at the Faculty of Humanities
02. Jul. 2024
The Faculty of Humanities of the University of Debrecen (UDFH) and the General Consulate of Hungary in Montreal signed a cooperation agreement at the end of 2023 centred on researching the past and ...
The University of Debrecen also presented itself in Florida
25. Jun. 2024
Building on the synergy of professionalism and community unity in education, business, community, culture and sport, the HungarianHub, a non-profit organization dedicated to strengthening ...
“I do hereby confer upon you the degree and title of doctor…”
03. Jun. 2024
As ever, this year’s ceremony was also held in the venue called Aula of the Main Building, and it began with the entrance of the doctoral candidates, followed by the arrival of the professors of ...
A bilingual publication in honor and memory of the great Hungarian traveller
29. May. 2024
Following the signing of a frame agreement for cooperation in 2022 between the University of Debrecen (UD) and Sunway University (SU) in Malaysia, one of the leading private universities of the ...
Addressing foreign students through science at TTK (Faculty of Science and Technology)
17. May. 2024
Ferenc Kun, Dean of the Faculty of Science and Technology , UD, said the conference was much more than an academic event. - We want to integrate our foreign students as much as possible into the ...
Conference on the hazards of infectious diseases
02. Apr. 2024
The so-called One Health approach, which focuses on the interrelationships between human and veterinary pathogens and the environment as well as on the complexity of the transmission of the former, ...
A charitable donation for the cause of treating and curing children
27. Mar. 2024
DETEP and the University Congregation organized their first fair in May last year, which was then followed by another one in November. Apart from starting a tradition, their aim was not only to raise ...
Breastfeeding to fight childhood obesity
18. Mar. 2024
Around twenty percent of children and adolescents worldwide are overweight or obese. It is estimated that within ten years up to 60% of the adult population could be affected by the consequences of ...
Book launch for the series called Italianistica Pannonica
08. Mar. 2024
Italianistica Pannonica, the series of academic works on Italian Studies in Hungary was launched in 2014 by László Pete and István Puskás, professors of the Italian Studies Department of the ...
Antitumour and antiviral agents for future therapies
08. Mar. 2024
The Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Debrecen (DE GYTK) has been working on the synthetic modification of nucleosides for more than ten years, ...
Scientific success in cancer therapy in Debrecen
05. Mar. 2024
The January issue of Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology published a summary paper summarising perspectives on the use of chimeric antigen receptor gene-edited immune cell therapies for organ tumours ...
CARPE consortium: meeting of the governing body
04. Mar. 2024
The University of Debrecen (UD) joined CARPE in 2015. The consortium had been founded in 2011 by European universities with a strong profile in applied research, located outside the capital cities of ...
Fruitful cooperation
01. Feb. 2024
The cooperation between the two institutions dates back to 2016, as a result of which several Kazakh students have had the opportunity to study at the University of Debrecen for a longer or shorter ...
Visiting researcher from South Africa at the Faculty of Science and Technology
11. Jan. 2024
Within the framework of the programme to strengthen the international competitiveness of Hungarian research groups, fourteen foreign visiting researchers, including Florian Luca, will be involved in ...
Tooth fillings with extended life span
07. Dec. 2023
The aesthetic composite fillings, which are used in both adult and paediatric dentistry and match the colour of the teeth almost exactly, have now virtually replaced the less attractive-looking ...
“You are awarded a doctorate”
27. Nov. 2023
Among the PhD candidates, 92 met the degree requirements Summa Cum Laude, 17 Cum Laude and 2 Rite, in the fields of natural sciences and information technology, agricultural sciences, humanities, ...
A promising alternative to lithium-based batteries
23. Nov. 2023
The usability and storage possibilities of renewable energy have been examined for a long time by researchers of the Department of Applied Chemistry of the Faculty of Science and Technology (TTK) of ...