
New medicines may emerge from Uzbek relationship 21. Jan. 2025

The cooperation between the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Debrecen (DE GYTK) and the Tashkent Institute of Pharmacy dates back almost five years, when the guests from Central Asia, mediated by Meditop Pharmaceuticals Ltd., learned about the activities of UD's Faculty of General Medicine, Institute Faculty of Pharmacy of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy and the Department of Pharmaceutical Technology of the Faculty of Pharmacy (GYTK).

The Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy told that the pharmaceutical industry was already a priority strategic area at the University of Debrecen. The three parties formed a consortium partnership and through a joint tender, a bilateral research and development cooperation was established with the aim of developing prototypes of various herbal active ingredients and developing a proposal for their industrial scale-up by the end of November this year. The grant amount of the tender is HUF 70 million.

- The herbs Artemisia annua, or annual wormwood, and Salvia officinalis, or medical sage, which are found in both countries, will be subjected to comparative studies on their active substance content. In the course of the development, we will also produce sucking pastilles and hard capsules containing antiseptic and anti-inflammatory active ingredients, as well as hydrogel/ointment, ear drops and a special wound treatment solution," explains Ildikó Bácskay.

Within the framework of the partnership, a delegation from GYTK visited Tashkent in 2023, which led to the establishment of educational cooperation between the parties. Uzbek students spent two weeks at the Faculty of Pharmacy in Debrecen, where they joined the English-language pharmacist training, and Uzbek students will come for a month as part of their preparation for a PhD.

Last week, the Deputy Rector and Director of External Relations of the Tashkent Institute of Pharmacy visited the University of Debrecen, hosted by Rector Zoltán Szilvássy and Dean Ildikó Bácskay. This time, they reviewed the opportunities for educational and research cooperation at institutional level, also supported by the Hungarian government.
- Cooperation in the pharmaceutical industry can be very intensive, in which both parties can find advantages both in education, research, development, business partnership and production," said the Dean of GYTK.

He added that the possibility of a new tender was also on the agenda, in which bacteriophage-based pharmaceuticals would be researched and developed.

After the discussions, the guests visited the Türkic Corner, the community space of the University of Debrecen, which was created to present the cultural heritage of Central Asian countries, their traditions and languages.

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