
Success of Japanese philosophy at the Faculty of Engineering 05. Sep. 2024

In order to maintain and increase competitiveness in the modern business world, companies need to constantly improve their processes and technologies. One of the most effective ways known to achieve this is the use of kaizen. Kaizen is a compound Japanese word that translates into English as change (kai) for the better (zen).
In line with the principles of kaizen, we continuously improve our teaching, academic performance and faculty operations. When we had problems with the functioning of the Faculty of Engineering almost 20 years ago, we started to apply this Japanese way of thinking, which helped us to reverse the trend and we have been moving forward ever since, winning several quality awards," said the Dean of DE MK.

Géza Husi stressed that industrial relations are extremely important for the Faculty of Technology, as they enable it to pass on its partners' experience to its students immediately. The Kaizen Institute, which also runs a lab at the faculty, is part of this circle.
During the evening, the KAIZEN™ Award was presented. The Kaizen Institute is currently open for applications in 16 countries. This year our country joined the initiative. The call for applications is open to public and private organizations based in Hungary, large, medium and small companies. The applicants had to give a detailed presentation of their relevant projects, achievements and future plans. This time, the jury was also composed of staff from the Faculty of Technology of the University of Debrecen.
- The KAIZEN™ Award ceremony is not only a recognition ceremony, but also an event that strengthens the relations between the Faculty of Engineering and the industry, contributes to the professional development of the faculty and promotes the continuous learning and development of students and teachers," said Judit T. Kiss, Deputy Dean of Education at DE MK.

The Department of Technical Management and Entrepreneurship at the Faculty of Engineering is engaged in teaching this philosophy.

- In addition to rewarding successful implementations, our goal is to familiarize Hungarian companies with modern management methods that enable continuous improvement of competitiveness - said Balázs Bessenyey, Managing Director of Kaizen™ Institute Hungary Kft.
According to EDC Debrecen City and Economic Development Centre's senior expert in business development, Debrecen is undergoing a change on an economic scale, with the arrival in recent years of a number of investors from the global market, bringing new technologies and new methods. We can meet these challenges if we change our approach and become open to development," said Gergely Fekszi.
During the evening, the representatives of the first three companies that were found to be the best candidates for the KAIZEN™ Award, ACPS Automotive Kft., Payer Industries Hungary Kft. and Thyssenkrupp Components Technology Hungary Kft. presented their projects. The winner was ACPS Automotive Kft.
The winning company will represent Hungary at the KAIZEN™Award Global competition. The winners of the international competition will be honored at the Kaizen Award Global Gala, which will be held in Sao Paulo, Brazil, later this autumn.

Press Centre - Ocs

