
Sustainable economy for a sustainable society 23. May. 2024

“These are very exciting times, bringing us crisis after crisis. The former world order is changing dynamically. Eurasia is experiencing a major upswing, particularly in the fields of industrial infrastructure. The past two thousand years have shown that it is trade and commodity production that drive the world forward, while the restructuring of tax systems does this only to a lesser extent. In this changing and often unpredictable world, we need to find the prompts that help us to become proactive and flexible to future changes, and this is what the present conference is all about,” said Zoltán Szilvássy, Rector of the University of Debrecen.
At the opening ceremony of the event, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business and chair of the organizing committee Krisztina Dajnoki also addressed the participating experts. Then, the conference continued with plenary lectures, including one delivered by Gergely Baksay, Managing Director of National Bank of Hungary. The MD, who is responsible for economic and fiscal analysis, discussed the current economic situation in the world and in Hungary, analyzed the steps needed to achieve sustainable economic growth, and also spoke about the development of gross domestic product (GDP) and inflation.
Other plenary speakers, coming from the United States of America, Romania, the Czech Republic and the United Kingdom included JK Aier (George Mason University), Adrian Corpădean (Babeş-Bolyai University), Benjamin Dunford (Purdue University), Cristina Bianca Pocol (University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj Napoca), Rita Simon LL. M (Centre for Climate Law and Sustainability Studies (CLASS) at the Czech Academy of Sciences), Dan-Cristian Dabija (Babes-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca, Romania) and Renatas Kizys (University of Southampton).
“Our lecturers from abroad are all renowned researchers and educators in very different disciplines.  Their presentations were not only extraordinarily interesting and thorough, but also highlighted how many questions there are that we need to seek answers to all together. It is impossible to become a real polyhistor in our age with the amount of knowledge that has accumulated, but international academic cooperation may hopefully make up for this,” said László Erdey, Vice-Dean for International Affairs of Faculty of Economics and Business (Gazdaságtudományi Kar- GTK), summing up his thoughts after the plenary sessions.
“In the individual sessions, the preparation for which had taken several weeks due to the surprisingly high number of participants, senior and junior Hungarian and international researchers presented the results of their projects and shared their experiences in workshops on Thursday and Friday last week,” said Deputy Dean Krisztina Dajnoki.
These presentations were intended to address a broad range of academic audience, mainly in the fields of humanities, social sciences, economics, engineering and law. The session meetings were held in an excellent and constructive atmosphere.
“The success of our academic forum, organized with special support from the National Bank of Hungary, celebrating the one hundredth anniversary of its foundation, and with the own resources of the faculties of the University of Debrecen, convinced us that the event is definitely worth hosting again and that it should be kept as a prestigious international conference by the three faculties as part of the academic offer of the University of Debrecen,” concluded Veronika Fenyves, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business, while thanking all the participants, supporters and organizers for their conscientious work and the dedicated attention of the public interested in these topics.

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Photo credits: Lóránt Kiss and István Derencsényi
